Industry News
Entering Agrow’s Crop Science Awards is free. The deadline for applying is August 7th.
In order to enter, please read the entry guidelines and category criteria. Decide which category/categories you wish to enter and prepare your entry off-line. Once you are ready, go to
https://chemweek.com/cw/cropscienceforum, click on the category you wish to enter. Entries can only be made in English. For any clarification, contact sanjiv.rana@ihsmarkit.com for further assistance.
递交Agrow Awards申请免费。 申请截止日期为2020年8月7日。
递交申请前, 请仔细阅读申请准则和类别标准, 确定您要参加的项目类别(可多项), 线下准备相关材料。材料准备就绪后, 请至https://chemweek.com/cw/cropscienceforum, 选择要参选的项目类别。 递交申请需用英文。 如有疑问, 请联系sanjiv.rana@ihsmarkit.com获取更多帮助信息。
Please note: We expect the application not to exceed 1,000 words. If the word limit exceeds that by over 100 words, marks will be deleted by the judges. Every application must be accompanied by a 100-word summary, which is the information shared publicly if the application gets shortlisted. We maintain the confidentiality of all applications. Anything that you do not wish to be shared publicly should not be
mentioned in the summary.
请注意:希望递交材料勿超1000字。若超过规定字数限制100个字, 评委将删除分数。 每项申请须附100字的摘要,如果入围, 该摘要内容将被共享。 我们保护所有申请的机密性。 摘要中请勿提及不能被共享的内容。
There are 12 categories in Agrow’s Crop Science Awards 2020:
Best R&D Pipeline
Best Formulation Innovation
Best New Biological Product
Best New Crop Protection Product or Trait
Best Innovation in Digital Farming Technology
Best Stewardship Programme
Best Public Outreach Programme
Best Marketing Campaign
Best Company from an Emerging Region
Best Supplier
Best Supporting Role
Lifetime Achievement
Best R&D Pipeline
This award is open to all crop protection companies actively undertaking research and development. It
recognises the critical importance of research and development to the industry. The winner will have
what the judges deem to be the most promising batch of new active ingredients and/or crop protection
biotechnology traits in R&D. They will be looking not just at the size of the pipeline, but also for quality,
innovation and potential value. All active ingredients/traits from the early research phases through to
field development and registration, but not yet on the market at the time of entry, are eligible to be
included in the pipeline. Entrants must detail any joint development or licensing agreements for any of
these pipeline products.
Name of entering company
Name(s) of co-developing companies or organisations.
Please list the agrochemical active ingredients and agbiotech traits in the company’s pipeline by name or code number, giving their product category (herbicide, fungicide, insect resistant, herbicide tolerant,
etc) and chemical class/mode of action as appropriate.
How does your pipeline represent a good mix of product candidates in terms of the following:
? Development phase?
? Spread of innovative and reduced-risk candidates?
? Range of uses?
Does the pipeline contain any new active ingredients/traits that stand out as being particularly exciting
prospects, and if so, why?
What is the market potential of the pipeline?
该奖项向所有积极从事研发的农作物保护公司开放。 奖项强调研发对业界的重要性。 获奖者需得到评委对其研发的新活性成分/或作物保护生物技术性状的最具潜力性的认可。 评判不仅涉及研发渠道的规模, 还关注质量, 创新和潜在价值。 所有尚未在市场上出售的有效成分或生物技术转基因作物特性(截至递交申请日),从早期研发到田间实验,申请注册,均符合申请该奖项资格。 申请者须提供该研发方式产品的联合开发或许可协议。
请按名称或代码在公司产品线中列出农用化学活性成分和农业生物技术/转基因作物特性,并提供其产品类别(除草剂, 杀真菌剂,抗虫剂,耐除草剂等)和适当的化学类别及作用方式。您的研发方式如何在以下方面体现出该候选产品的组合优势:
该产品是否包含有卓越前景且吸引人的新活性成分/特性,如果是, 为什么?
Best Formulation Innovation
Open to all agrochemical manufacturing and formulating companies and formulation consultancies. The
award will recognise the most significant innovation in the formulation of agrochemical or biological
products. In this category, the judges will be looking for an innovation that, for instance, could lead to
improved product efficacy through enhanced delivery or targeting, improved user safety, or reduced
environmental impact.
Name of entering company
Name(s) of co-developing companies or organisations
Please describe the formulation innovation. Explain how it differs from existing formulations and what
makes this development truly innovative
Give examples of the products for which it has been or will be used
If the formulation has been launched commercially, give the date of the launch; if the formulation is still
in development, give the anticipated commercial launch date
Outline the benefits of the new formulation in terms of product efficacy, improved user safety, or
reduced environmental impact
What is the potential market size of the new formulation?
奖项面向所有农药生产厂商,配方公司以及配方顾问公司。 该奖项着眼于农业化学或生物产品的重大创新配方。 这一竞选项目, 评委将着力寻求一种创新,例如,通过提高输送靶向或标的性,改善使用者安全性, 还有减少环境影响等来提高产品功效。
请描述配方创新。 解释它与现有配方有何不同,以及称其为真正创新的原因举例说明已使用或将要使用该配方的产品
如果该制剂已商业化投放市场, 请给出投放日期; 若配方仍在开发中, 请给出预计商业推出日期
Best New Biological Product
This award will go the best new crop protection or crop enhancement product derived from a naturally
occurring organism to be introduced since January 1st 2019. Applicants should not describe the
environmental and toxicological safety of their product as these characteristics are “a given” in this
category. The judges will be looking for a product that is not only effective but is formulated in a way
that is acceptable to users and distributors and can forge a niche in a market dominated by synthetic
chemicals. We are not looking for products that just perform in the laboratory; we want to see
biologicals that work in the real world.
Name of company
Names(s) of any co-developing companies or organisations
Name of the biological product
Activity of the product
What is significant about this product, eg
? Innovative solution of a problem
? Trendsetting nature of the product
? Extraordinary commercial success
? Particular ease of use
该奖项将授予自2019年1月1日起,以天然生物来源来作为新的作物保护或功能增强的最佳生物产品。申请人请勿描述产品的环境和毒理学安全性,因为这在该类别中属于默认特性 。 评委将着力寻求一种有效,配方为用户和分销商所接受,并且可以在以合成化学品为主的市场中占据一席之地的产品。 我们寻求不只限于实验室使用, 而且能现实世界中起作用的生物产品。
Best New Crop Protection Product or Trait
Open to all crop protection companies, the award will recognise the most important new crop
protection active ingredient or trait launched since January 1st 2019. The award is open to nominations
for agrochemical, agbiotech and biopesticide products. The judges will be looking for a product that has
demonstrated immediate commercial success, that has long term potential and that stands ahead of its
competitors in terms of efficacy, environmental or user safety, and that has had a demonstrable effect
on the ability of farmers and growers to protect their crops.
Name of company
Name(s) of any co-developing companies or organisations
Name of the crop protection product
Activity of the product
What is significant about this product, eg
? First commercial launch of a new active ingredient or trait
? Extraordinary commercial success
? Solved a previously unmet agricultural need, or greatly improved on an existing control
该奖项向所有农作物保护公司开放,旨在表彰自2019年1月1日起推出的最重要的新农作物保护活性成分或转基因作物性状。 该奖项提名面向农业化学, 农业生物技术和生物农药产品。 评委将着眼寻求能够立即实现商业成功,具有长期潜力,功效, 环境或用户安全方面领先于竞争对手,并且已经对农民和种植者保护作物的能力产生明显影响的产品。
Best Innovation in Digital Farming Technology
This award encompasses developments in farm management through the use of digital and information
technology. The types of technologies could range from remote sensing and data gathering to the
development of apps for the identification of weeds, diseases and insect pests. The underlying theme of
these technologies would be to assist farmers to optimise use of farm inputs and improve yields.
Name of entering company
Name of co-developing companies or organisations
Please describe the technology innovation. Explain how it differs from existing technology and what
makes this development truly innovative.
Explain the benefits of the technology in improving farming and the use of inputs.
If the technology has been launched commercially, give the date of the launch. If the technology is still
in development, provide the anticipated commercial launch date.
该奖项表彰通过使用数字和信息技术在农业管理方面的发展。 技术范围包括遥感,数据收集,用于识别杂草,疾病和害虫的应用程序的开发。 这些技术的核心是协助农民优化农业资源投入并提高产量。
请描述技术创新, 解释其与现有技术的不同之处及其所具备的创新性。
如果该技术已商业推广, 请提供发布日期。 如果该技术仍在研发, 请提供预计商业发布日期。
Best Stewardship Programme
Agrow’s Best Stewardship Programme Award is designed to recognise an outstanding scheme for
managing agrochemical or agbiotech products in the marketplace in a sustainable way. Stewardship can
be described as a life-cycle approach to product management and can encompass a wide range of
initiatives. Examples include encouraging safe and responsible use, resistance management programmes
and the disposal of containers and obsolete stocks. Entrants must have played a central role in the
development or implementation of a successful stewardship programme within the last three years.
Potential winners could include industry associations, companies or individuals.
Name of entering individual (and affiliation) or organisation
Briefly describe the stewardship programme concerned
When and where was the programme introduced?
How extensive is the programme?
How innovative is the programme? What lifts it above similar initiatives?
What are the benefits of the programme?
If you believe that the entrant stewardship programme is particularly outstanding, but the reasons for
this are not covered by the questions above, please give relevant details
该奖项旨在表彰市场上杰出的可持续性农用化学品或农用生物技术产品的管理方案。管理方案被视为生命周期理论在产品管理上的应用,其跨越领域广泛。 案例包括鼓励安全和负责任的使用,抗药性管理以及容器和陈旧库存的处置。 过去的三年中,申请者须在成功的管理计划的制定或实施中发挥核心作用。 潜在赢家包括行业协会,公司或个人。
该计划的创新性如何? 是什么使它超越类似方案?
如果您认为申请者管理计划特别出色,但是上述问题未涵盖其原因, 请提供相关详细信息
Best Public Outreach Programme
Agrow’s Best Public Outreach Programme Award is designed to recognise excellence in the
communication of information on the benefits of agrochemical or agbiotech products. This could include
campaigns aimed at the user community or to the wider public. A campaign through any type of
medium, such as print, television or internet, might be eligible for this Award. Entrants must have played
a central role in the development or implementation of a successful outreach programme since January
1st 2019. Potential winners could include industry associations, companies or individuals.
Name of entering individual (and affiliation) or organisation
Briefly describe the outreach programme concerned
When and where was the programme introduced?
Who was the programme aimed at?
How effective was the programme in achieving its aims?
What special activities did this programme include to achieve its aims?
Has the programme been reported by the mainstream (non-trade) media? Please provide examples
If you believe that the entrant outreach programme is particularly outstanding, but the reasons for this
are not covered by the questions above, please give relevant details
该奖项旨在表彰针对农业化学或农业生物技术产品的益处的信息交流上的卓越表现,包括针对用户社区或广大公众的活动。 通过任何类型的媒介(例如印刷, 电视或互联网) 进行的活动都有资格争夺此奖项。 自2019年1月1日起,申请者必须在成功制定或实施拓展计划中发挥核心作用。 获奖者可以是行业协会,公司或个人。
Best Industry Collaboration
This award recognises a successful partnership between two companies in the crop protection or plant
biotechnology arena. It could be an R&D collaboration, a licensing agreement, a joint venture, a
manufacturing or formulation arrangement, or a sales, marketing or distribution deal. In fact, any form
of collaboration between parties would be considered. Eligible partnerships must have been formed
within the last two years. To avoid duplication, either partner can enter but joint applications are also
The names of the collaborating companies
What is the nature of the collaboration?
When was it formed?
What has it achieved or what is it expected to achieve?
该奖项旨在表彰两家公司在作物保护或植物生物技术领域的成功合作。 它可以是研发合作, 许可协议,合资企业,生产或配方合约,也可以是销售, 营销或分销协议。任何双方的合作形式都在范畴之内。 符合条件的合作关系必须在过去两年内建立。 为避免重复,任何一方均可参加,但也接受联合申请。
Best Marketing Campaign
This award is designed to recognise creative excellence in the marketing and advertising of crop protection products and/or services. This could include social media campaigns, advertising campaigns, promotional marketing, sponsorship and/or design. They can be campaigns that used either a single or a range of combination of media, technologies and/or platforms. It can be a campaign through any medium such as online, on paper, in-store and/or event. The campaign must have been launched after January 1st 2019.
Name of entering company or agency
Description of the purpose of the campaign and the target group
Mention the medium, the technology and the platform
The date at which the campaign was launched and how successful it was in terms of ROI?
Did the campaign engage with its target audience? Did it initiate discussion, influence choices and
behaviour, and/or increased awareness of the product, brand, or service?
How innovative was the campaign compared to previous campaigns
Description of how the market reacted to the campaign
该奖项旨在表彰对作物保护产品(或服务)的市场营销和广告方面的卓越创造力。 范围包括社交媒体活动,广告,促销, 赞助和设计。 它可以是使用一种或多媒体,技术或平台组合的系列活动, 也可以是通过任何媒介,例如在线,印刷,店内或某个事件而进行的宣传活动。 营销 活动须在
目标受众是否参与互动? 活动是否引发讨论并影响到选择和行为,是否提高了产品,品牌或服务的标识度?
Best Company from an Emerging Region
This award will be presented to crop protection companies headquartered outside of North America,
Western Europe, Australia and Japan. It will recognise the companies in these regions that have made
the greatest contribution to the crop protection industry. The judges will be looking for excellent
performance across a range of business activities since January 1st 2019. This could mean anything from
growing sales and profits, to launching a new product, signing a significant new deal, or contributing to
research and development in the crop protection sector.
Name of entering company and country where it is headquartered
What has been this company’s most significant achievement during the year?
Give details of what this company has achieved in terms of (if applicable):
? Signing important new deals
? Introducing new products onto the market
? Producing a promising new product pipeline
? Operational improvements, particularly after restructuring, or changing the focus of the
该奖项将颁发给总部位于北美,西欧,澳大利亚和日本以外的作物保护公司。 它将表彰新兴地区对作物保护行业做出最大贡献的公司。 评委将寻求自2019年1月1日起在各种商业活动中有出色表现的申请者。 这些出色表现可以是销售和利润增长,推出新产品, 签署重大新交易或在业内为作物的研发做出贡献。
Best Supplier
Open to all companies providing chemical supplies to the crop protection industry. The award will
recognise the company that has contributed most to the global crop protection industry through the
provision of custom manufacturing services, intermediate chemicals and finished active ingredients. Theaward is open to all chemical manufacturing companies that offer supply services to the crop protection
Name of entering company
What makes this company the best choice chemical supplier for the crop protection industry? (eg
customer service, speed of delivery, cost, quality, etc…)
Describe the range of chemical supply services provided, highlighting any special strengths or unique
How has this company delivered results that exceed customer expectations?
奖项面向为作物保护行业提供化学原料的公司。 该奖项将表彰通过提供定制生产服务,中间化学
品和成品活性成分为全球作物保护业做出巨大贡献的公司。 该奖项向所有为作物保护业提供供应
是什么使该公司成为作物保护业化学品供应商的最佳选择? (例如,客户服务,交货速度,成本, 质量等)
Best Supporting Role
Open to all companies offering services to the crop protection industry, the award will recognise the company that has contributed most to the global crop protection industry through the provision of support services. The judges will be looking for a company that offers outstanding client support, excellence in service provision and a willingness to go the extra mile for its customers. The award is open to: contract research organisations, consultancies and other advisory bodies, market research companies, diagnostic equipment and other suppliers, packaging companies, legal companies, PR
companies and additives suppliers.
Name of entering company
What makes this company the best choice service company partner for the crop protection industry?
Describe the range of services provided by this company, highlighting any special strengths or unique activities
How has this company delivered results that exceed sponsor expectations?
该奖项向所有为作物保护业提供服务的公司开放,表彰通过提供辅助支持对全球作物保护行业做出巨大贡献的公司。 评委期待看到一个能提供突出的客户端支持,卓越的服务内容以及愿意为客户精益求精的公司。 该奖项向以下群体开放:合同研究组织,咨询公司或其他咨询机构,市场调研公司, 诊断设备和其他供应商,包装公司,法律公司,公关公司和添加剂供应商。
Lifetime Achievement
The winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award will be an exceptional individual with a consistent history of service, above and beyond the call of duty, throughout his or her career. This prestigious international award will go to someone who has had a distinguished career in the crop protection and production arena, primarily within industry, but who may also have held posts in government and nongovernmental organisations, as well as academia. Nominees may be retired or semi-retired but will still be active in a mentoring/training capacity.
For this special award, candidates must be nominated by a third party. Entries must include the name of the nominee, his or her job title (if applicable) and the company name of the nominee (if applicable). The name and contact details of the nominator should also be supplied. The nomination should outline in no more than 500 words what the nominee has accomplished during his or her career and say why he or she is worthy of the Agrow Award. Nominations will then be reviewed by the Agrow panel of judges and the winner will be announced at the Awards ceremony on November 4th 2020.
终身成就奖的获得者将是一个杰出的个人。 获得者需要具备除了本职工作之外始终如一的优秀职业生涯。 这项享有国际声誉的奖项将授予在作物保护和生产领域具有杰出职业生涯的业内人士。也其本人可以是在政府和非政府组织以及学术界任职的人。被提名人可以退休或半退休,但仍积极活跃于指导/培训。
对此奖项,候选人必须由第三方提名。申请材料须包括被提名人的姓名,其职务(如在职)和被提名人所在公司名称(如在职)。提名人需提供自己的姓名和联系方式。提名以不超过500字的内容来概述被提名人在其职业生涯中取得的成就,并证明其值得荣获Agrow奖。 Agrow评审委员会将对被提名人进行评审, 获奖者将在2020年11月4日的颁奖典礼上宣布。